HIPCAL studies a new paradigm (grid substrate) based on confined virtual cluster concept for resource control in grids. In particular, we propose to study and implement new approaches for bandwidth sharing and end to end network quality of service guarantees. The global infrastructure (computers, disks, networks) partitioned in virtual infrastructures (aggregation of virtual machines coupled with virtual channels) is dynamically composed. These virtual clusters are multiplexed in time and space, isolated and protected. The goal of this project is to explore an approach in a break with current services-oriented principles developed in grids to jointly enhance the application portability, the communications performance control and their security. The project aims at providing a grid substrate based on end to end bandwidth reservation, control overlay, network and system virtualization, cryptographic identification principles.
Activités de recherche
Membres LRI
Pour en savoir plus : http://www.ens-lyon.fr/LIP/RESO/Projects/HIPCAL/ProjetsHIPCAL.html