Logiciel SHIRI-Annot |
SHIRI-Annot - Incremental Ontology-based Extraction and Alignment in Semi-Structured Documents
Date de dernière version : 30 septembre 2011
Responsable : THIAM Mouhamadou
SHIRI-Annot is an automatic, unsupervised and ontology-driven tool for extraction, alignment and semantic annotation of tagged elements of HTML documents. The extraction relies on a set of specific named entity and term patterns to extract term candidates to be aligned with an OWL Ontology. It proceeds in an incremental manner in order to populate the ontology with terms describing instances of the domain and to reduce the access to extern resources such as Web.
Activités de recherche
Intégration d'informations
Equipe Intelligence Artificielle et Systèmes d'Inférence
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