Logiciel GUIDE |
GUIDE - A Graphical User Interface for EA C++ library developpment
Date de dernière version : 01 novembre 2009
Responsable : SCHOENAUER Marc
A Graphical User Interface allows non-expert programmers to generate code for the expert C++ evolutionary library {bf em EO} (Evolving Object http://eodev.sourceforge.net/). GUIDE is now being used as the basis for the evolutionary generation of test data within EvoTest. Though 4 years old now, it lacked support for a wide dissemination -- but it will be released soon, thanks to the EvoTest project, under CeCILL license on INRIA GForge.
Pour en savoir plus: http://tao.lri.fr/tiki-index.php?page=GUIDE
Logiciel - Licence : CeCILL
Activités de recherche
Algorithmes évolutionnaires
Equipe Apprentissage et OptimisationEquipe-projet Inria TAO
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