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Logiciel LODAtlas

LODAtlas - Browsing Linked Data Catalogs with LODAtlas
Date de dernière version : 15 mai 2018

Responsable : PIETRIGA Emmanuel

The Web of Data is growing fast, as exemplified by the evolution of the Linked Open Data (LOD) cloud over the last ten years. One of the consequences of this growth is that it is becoming increasingly difficult for application developers and end-users to find the datasets that would be relevant to them. LODAtlas is a portal that enables users to find datasets of interest. Users can make different types of queries about both the datasets' metadata and contents, aggregated from multiple sources. They can then quickly evaluate the matching datasets' relevance, thanks to LODAtlas' summary visualizations of their general metadata, connections and contents.

Pour en savoir plus:

Logiciel - Licence : GPL

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Equipe-projet Inria
Logiciels et brevets
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