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Research results
sALLUSTe - Statistical Testing based on Lustre Descriptions

Person in charge : GAUDEL Marie-Claude

Salluste is a tool for automatic test generation based on Lustre descriptions of the system under test. Lustre is a data-flow formal language used for the description of synchronous reactive systems. Salluste produces test sequences uniformly at random that ensure a uniform coverage of the behaviours of the Lustre description.

Salluste has been developed jointly with CEA-LIST (Bruno Marre) in the framework of the Usine Logicielle project of the Systematic pole of competitiveness.

It makes use of GATEL to check the feasibility of the drawn test cases.

Research activities
  Software Testing

  GOURAUD Sandrine
  FAYOLLE Julien

Software & patents
The C++ Bulk Synchronous Parallelism Library

A prototype to automate semantic mappings between taxonomies

Procédé pour l’extinction de routeurs dans un réseau de communications et routeur mettant en œuvre ce procédé