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Séminaire DIGITEO: séance double le 5 Mai
Séminaire DIGITEO: séance double le 5 Mai Séminaire DIGITEO: séance double le 5 Mai
05 mai 2011

Tobias Isenberg, Beyond Pretty Pictures -Interactive Illustration and Scientific Visualization
John Hopcroft, Computer science theory to support research in the information age



Le Jeudi 5 mai 2011  à Supélec – amphi F3-05 



Tobias Isenberg 

Professeur à l’Université de Groningen (Pays-Bas) 

Titulaire d’une chaire Digiteo 

Plus d’informations : 


Beyond Pretty Pictures -Interactive Illustration and Scientific Visualization 

Computer graphics has developed to a point that it can produce images that are so realistic that they cannot be distinguished from real photos anymore. However, a branch of computer graphics is inspired by traditional illustration and artistic depiction, rather than from the photographic camera. These techniques are increasingly being applied to problems in scientific visualization, forming the field of illustrative visualization. I will show and discuss a variety of techniques in this domain that address problems in medical and molecular visualization. 

Often it is not sufficient, however, to be able to produce insightful images but one also has to allow people to interactively explore the visualizations. For this purpose I will introduce approaches that rely on large, touch-sensitive displays that allow people to intuitively and directly manipulate and explore visualizations. 



John Hopcroft 

Professeur à l’université de Cornell 

Prix Turing 1987 

Médaille John von Neumann 2010 

Plus d’informations : 


Computer science theory to support research in the information age 

The last forty years have seen computer science evolve as a major academic discipline. Today the field is undergoing a fundamental change. Some of the drivers of this change are the internet, the World Wide Web, large quantities of information in digital form and wide spread use of computers for accessing information. The change is requiring universities to revise the content of computer science programs. This talk will cover the changes in the theoretical foundations of computer science needed to support the information age. 



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