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4 faculty positions in Computer Science opened at LRI – University Paris-Sud
4 faculty positions in Computer Science opened at LRI – University Paris-Sud 4 faculty positions in Computer Science opened at LRI – University Paris-Sud
15 February 2011

4 faculty positions in Computer Science (section 27) are opened at University Paris-Sud 11 with research assignment to the Laboratory of Research in Computer Science : 2 assistant professors (MCF) and 2 full professors (PR).
4 faculty positions in Computer Science (section 27) are opened at University Paris-Sud 11 with research assignment to the Laboratory of Research in Computer Science (LRI, Univ. Paris-Sud and CNRS, 2 assistant professors (MCF) and 2 full professors (PR).

Positions MCF 1234, MCF 0600, PR 2081 are incorporated to the Faculty of Sciences of Orsay (
Position PR 0742 is incorporated to Polytech Paris-Sud, the engineer school of the University (

Only the position MCF 1234 has a predefined research profile.

The scientific recruiting policy of LRI is to favor mobility and to attract the best faculty members. 
Interested candidates  from other universities or institutes, in France or in foreign countries, are strongly encouraged to get in touch as soon as possible in order to prepare their application and 
- their scientific integration into one of the 12 research groups of LRI (9 of which are common with project-teams of INRIA Saclay–Île-de-France:,
- their teaching integration into the pedagogical teams of the Computer Science department of the Faculty of Sciences ( or of Polytech (

LRI and research contacts: Philippe Dague <>, Nicole Bidoit <> (for the position MCF 1234).
Department and teaching contacts: Christine Froidevaux <>, Nicole Bidoit <> (for positions MCF 1234, MCF 0600, PR 2081), Brigitte Rozoy <> (for position PR 0742).
 Administrative information (in French):
Publication: mid-February
Application: February 24 to March 25
Applications examination / oral examination and ranking:
-  MCF 1234 : May 6 / May 18
-  MCF 0600 : April 29 / May 13
-  PR 2081 : May 2 / May 9
-  PR 0742 : April 28 / May 13
Definite decision announcement: June 7
Candidates wishes: June 16
Final result: June 20
Position starting time: September

1. 27 MCF 1234
The candidate  is expected to teach undergraduate and graduate courses in the Computer Science departments of the Faculty of Sciences and of Polytech, including core and specialty areas based on the candidate's expertise (advanced database courses). 
This position involves teaching in French and proficiency in this language is necessary at the time the position is taken (September 2011).
We will consider candidates in computer science working in the Database field. We expect the candidate to develop a research program including: XML data management, distributed querying and updating, optimization algorithms, cloud computing for massive data management, etc. 
The candidate is also expected to participate to the developement of prototyping XML data management tools and benchmarks.
The candidate will join the Data Bases research group of LRI, common with the Leo team of INRIA Saclay–Île-de-France.

2. 27 MCF 0600
The candidate  is expected to teach undergraduate and graduate courses in the Computer Science departments of the Faculty of Sciences and of Polytech, including core and specialty areas based on the candidate's expertise.
This position involves teaching in French and proficiency in this language is necessary at the time the position is taken (September 2011).
LRI is interested in any application allowing the reinforcement of the research topics of its teams: Algorithmics and combinatorics, Machine Learning and optimization, Architecture and compilation, Bioinformatics, Artificial Intelligence, Human-Machine Interaction, Parallelism, Proof of programs, Networking, Formal testing, Graph theory and combinatorial optimization.
The laboratory encourages particularly candidates in the field of Human-Machine Interaction (advanced interaction, collaborative interaction, participative design, software architecture of interactive systems) for integrating the In Situ research group, common with INRIA Saclay–Île-de-France, and in the field of fundamental Computer Science (analysis and complexity of algorithms, approximation, inapproximability, algorithmic game theory, random structures and algorithms, combinatorics, graph algorithms) for integrating the Algorithmics and Complexity research group.

3. 27 PR 2081
The candidate  is expected to teach undergraduate and graduate courses in the Computer Science departments of the Faculty of Sciences and of Polytech, including core and specialty areas based on the candidate's expertise. 
The candidate will participate to the Faculty of Sciences Computer Science department management.
This position involves teaching in French and proficiency in this language is necessary at the time the position is taken (September 2011).
LRI is interested in any application allowing the reinforcement of the research topics of its teams: Algorithmics and combinatorics, Machine Learning and optimization, Architecture and compilation, Data Bases, Bioinformatics, Artificial Intelligence, Human-Machine Interaction, Parallelism, Proof of programs, Networking, Formal testing, Graph theory and combinatorial optimization.
The laboratory wishes particularly to recruit in the field of Networking (mobile networks and large scale sensors, cooperative communication and Internet of the future) for integrating the Networking research group, common with INRIA Saclay–Île-de-France, and in the field of fundamental Computer Science (analysis and complexity of algorithms, approximation, inapproximability, algorithmic game theory, random structures and algorithms, combinatorics, graph algorithms - the list is not exhaustive).
The candidate recruited will be bound to invest himself in the large scale project "KIC ICT Labs" of the European Institute of Technology, in which the University is strongly involved.

4. 27 PR 0742
The candidate  is expected to teach undergraduate and graduate courses in the Computer Science department of Polytech Paris-Sud, including core and specialty areas based on the candidate's expertise. 
He could also be involved in other departments of Polytech or in the Computer Science department of the Faculty of Sciences.
The candidate will participate to the Polytech Computer Science department management.
This position involves teaching in French and proficiency in this language is necessary at the time the position is taken (September 2011).
LRI is interested in any application allowing the reinforcement of the research topics of its teams: Algorithmics and combinatorics, Machine Learning and optimization, Architecture and compilation, Data Bases, Bioinformatics, Artificial Intelligence, Human-Machine Interaction, Parallelism, Proof of programs, Networking, Formal testing, Graph theory and combinatorial optimization.
The laboratory wishes particularly to recruit in the field of Networking (mobile networks and large scale sensors, cooperative communication and Internet of the future) for integrating the Networking research group, common with INRIA Saclay–Île-de-France, and in the field of fundamental Computer Science (analysis and complexity of algorithms, approximation, inapproximability, algorithmic game theory, random structures and algorithms, combinatorics, graph algorithms - the list is not exhaustive).

Yannis Manoussakis passed away
6 June 2021
We have just learned of the death of Yannis Manoussakis, Professor at the University of Paris-Saclay, on Saturday June 5.

He was the leader of the GALaC team and had been for many years director of the LRI, we lose a friend and a dear colleague.


Semaine du cerveau : Cerveau connecté
16 March 2021

Wizard project
1 April 2021
Innovation Area: Public Safety, IoT, Mobility