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Journées Graphes et Algorithmes
Journées Graphes et Algorithmes Journées Graphes et Algorithmes
8 November 2003

13-15 novembre 2013
Orsay, France
The 15th of series, Journées Graphes et
Algorithmes, JGA 2013 will take place at LRI, Université Paris-Sud à Orsay.
This is the annual meeting of "groupe de travail" [[|Graphes]] which is a subgroup of [[|GDR IM]] The aims of this conference is to bring together researchers on theoretical and algorithmic graph theory from all French labs and to share new ideas and results among the members. Following the traditions there will be contributed talk by young researchers, i.e., students and post doctorants. However, following recent traditions, there will be three invited speakers from faculty members: [[|Louis Esperet]], [[|Brett Stevens]] et [[|Annegret Wagler]].

The main research theme of research for this conference are:

* structural theory of graphs,
* optimization problems on graphs
* algorithmic problems on graphs and networks
* discrete structures
* applications of graph theory 

Pour en savoir plus:
Yannis Manoussakis passed away
6 June 2021
We have just learned of the death of Yannis Manoussakis, Professor at the University of Paris-Saclay, on Saturday June 5.

He was the leader of the GALaC team and had been for many years director of the LRI, we lose a friend and a dear colleague.


Semaine du cerveau : Cerveau connecté
16 March 2021

Wizard project
1 April 2021
Innovation Area: Public Safety, IoT, Mobility