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New LRI Web site
New LRI Web site New LRI Web site
17 January 2008

The new LRI web site was launched on January 17, 2008. This new window into the lab's activities supports navigation along multiple dimensions, in particular through rich indexing by keywords.
We hope you'll enjoy it!
After over a year of work by the lab's Web committee, assisted by the technical staff and an outside company, the new LRI web site is finally here!

The site is designed to help visitors discover the lab's activities along three main axes : the research themes and research groups, the various collaborations and contracts, and the scientific production of the lab. Information is richly interconnected through the use of keywords, therefore encouraging various types of navigation.

The site also support secure access by lab members to our web services, such as mail or room reservations, and direct editing of the various sections according to one's access rights. It is therefore up to each and everyone to make the site lively and ... up to date ...

This project also led to a major redesign of the architecture of our various web services in order to improve both security and performance.

Enjoy the visit, and please let us know what you think!

Pour en savoir plus:
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