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Results of the faculty hiring committee
Results of the faculty hiring committee Results of the faculty hiring committee
25 May 2008

The hiring committee has published the list of candidates selected for the Professor and Assistant Professor positions that were available this year.

The results of the hiring committees, which still need to be validated by the University board, are as follows:

Professor (position #0785)

  1. Burkhart WOLFF
  2. Emmanuelle ENCRENAZ
  3. Fabrice BOUQUET
  4. Florian KAMMULLER
Assistant Professor (position #1695) for UFR Orsay
  1. Caroline APPERT (équipe InSitu)
  2. Paul DORBEC (équipe GraphComb)
  3. Sylvain PERIFEL (équipe Algo)
  4. Matthias ZYTNICKI (équipe BioInfo)
  5. Laurent D'ORAZIO (équipe BD)
Assistant Professor (position #1696) for IFIPS
  1. Joël FALCOU (équipe Archi)
  2. Paul DORBEC (équipe GraphComb)
  3. Sylvain PERIFEL (équipe Algo)
  4. Matthias ZYTNICKI (équipe BioInfo)
  5. Antoine SPICHER (équipe I&A)

Assistant professor (position #0892) for IUT d'Orsay
  1. Jeremy BRIFFAUT (équipe Hipercom)
  2. Fatiha SAIS (équipe IASI)
  3. Antoine SPICHER (équipe I&A)
  4. Stéphane DEVISMES (équipe Parall)
  5. Yann REGIS-GIANNAS (équipe Démons)

Pour en savoir plus:
Yannis Manoussakis passed away
6 June 2021
We have just learned of the death of Yannis Manoussakis, Professor at the University of Paris-Saclay, on Saturday June 5.

He was the leader of the GALaC team and had been for many years director of the LRI, we lose a friend and a dear colleague.


Semaine du cerveau : Cerveau connecté
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Wizard project
1 April 2021
Innovation Area: Public Safety, IoT, Mobility