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Presentation of astronomical images on the new wall display
Presentation of astronomical images on the new wall display Presentation of astronomical images on the new wall display
24 March 2009

In connection with the "100 hours of Astronomy" event, LRI will present to the public on its new wall-size display very high resolution images of the sun and the universe on Thursday, April 2, at 2pm, 3pm and 4pm.


As part of the WILD project (Wall-size Interaction with Large Datasets), funded by the Digiteo research cluster, LRI now has a unique high-resolution interactive wall display. With a display area of 5.5 x 1.8 meters, the WILD wall can display very high resolution images (20,500 x 6,400 pixels). This represents more than 130 million pixels, or the equivalent of 100 LCD screens with a resolution of 1290x1024 each. The platform also feature an interactive table and a gesture and motion tracking system that will allow direct interaction with the data.

mur images 

One of the goals of the project is to study how researchers and scientists can use such a platform to better understand complexe and massive datasets. Eight laboratories from the Orsay campus and the Plateau de Saclay are associated with the project. One of them is the Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale (IAS), which has provided the images of the sun and the universe that will be shown on Thursday, April 2, to the public, in the context of the "100 hours of Astronomy" event.

The partners of the WILD project ( are Université Paris-Sud, INRIA and CNRS. The project is funded by Région Ile-de-France, RTRA Digiteo, Université Paris-Sud, INRIA Saclay – Ile-de-France, the INRIA-MSR joint lab and LIMSI-CNRS.

Pour en savoir plus:
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