Streaming and Interactive Data Analytics
Erietta Liarou
18 May 2015, 10h00 - 18 May 2015, 11h30 Salle/Bat : 435/PCRI-N
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Activités de recherche : Algorithmes pour les grands volumes de données distribuées
Résumé :
As data sets grow in size, analytics applications struggle to get instant insight into large datasets. Traditional data processing methods, however, in many cases are inadequate to respond to the new requirements. For these new problems, a new processing paradigm is born where we need to quickly analyze incoming data minimizing the query-to-insight time; possibly combine them with existing data in order to discover interesting trends and patterns. In this talk, I will present DataCell, a system that organically integrates streaming and persistent data for efficient inter-query processing and I will also talk about data systems architectures that allow efficient in-situ and interactive processing.