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Réseaux ad hoc
Ad hoc networks are systems that can establish communication sessions between users without using any kind of infrastructure. Hence, the network must be self-organized and dynamically adaptive. Nodes in ad hoc networks are in constant movement. Delivering packets to a specific destination becomes a complex task. Today, four routing protocols were standardized by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) to offer a solution for routing problems. These solutions are divided into two categories: proactive (routes are always available) and reactive (routes are discovered on demand). OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing Protocol), developed at INRIA, is a proactive protocol based on link state routing mechanisms.

In our work we have addressed issues of quality of service and security. All standardized protocols try to find a route from a source to a destination by considering only one metric: the number of hops. Also, these protocols do not take into account any security consideration and still are vulnerable to attacks. We consider up to four metrics to establish routes, including delay, available bandwidth, jitter, loss probability, etc. This should allow flows to reach their destination with an increased quality of service. We also consider the multipath routing and path oscillation problems. Concerning security, we are working on a solution to secure OLSR. Our mechanism must enumerate the most important attacks and provides mechanisms that eliminate all negative effects on routing information. The solution will be based on distributing secure keys to nodes without using any centralized mechanism since this is not feasible in an ad hoc context.


Equipes-projets Inria communes

Resultats majeurs
  One step forward: Linking wireless self-organizing network validation techniques with formal testing approaches


Logiciels et brevets


  JOHNEN Colette
  TIXEUIL Sébastien
  AL AGHA Khaldoun
  RAHME Joseph
  ODOU Simon
  BENFATTOUM Youghourta

Thèses et habilitations
  Quelques Contributions à l'auto-stabilisation
  Vers l'auto-stabilisation des systèmes à grande échelle
  Auto-stabilisation et partitionnement
  Algorithmes distribués pour la sécurité et la qualité de service dans les réseaux ad hoc mobiles

Activités de recherche
° Algorithmes pour les grands volumes de données distribuées
° Algorithmique des systèmes en réseau
° Algorithmique distribuée
° Architectures parallèles
° biologie de synthese
° Biologie des systèmes
° Biologie structurale
° biologie synthetique
° Calcul à haute performance
° Calcul quantique
° Calibration d'algorithmes (sélection, ajustement d'hyper-paramètres)
° Codage réseau
° Collaboration médiatisée
° Combinatoire
° Compilation et optimisation des programmes
° Décision optimale en contexte incertain
° Définition de nouveaux critères
° Démonstration automatique, SMT et applications
° Distributed Design
° Fab lab
° Fabrication Numérique
° Formalisation de langages (de spécification et de programmation) dans les assistants de preuve
° Formalisation et preuves de programmes numériques
° Gestion de données du Web
° Ingénierie des systèmes interactifs