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Production scientifique
Doctorat de

Equipe : Informatique Centrée sur l'Humain

Augmented Reality Environments for the Interactive Exploration of 3D Data

Début le 06/04/2020
Direction : ISENBERG, Tobias

Ecole doctorale : ED STIC 580
Etablissement d'inscription : Université Paris-Saclay

Lieu de déroulement : LRI - HCC

Soutenue le 16/12/2020 devant le jury composé de :
Rapporteurs :
- Raimund Dachselt, Professeur, Dresden University of Technology
- Christophe Hurter, Professeur, Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile

Examinateurs :
- Jian Chen, Professeure Associée, Ohio State University - Examinatrice
- Damien Rohmer, Professeur,Ecole Polytechnique -
- Jeanne Vézien, Ingénieure de recherche, Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, Limsi – Examinatrice

Directeur de thèse :
- Tobias Isenberg, Directeur de recherche, Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, Inria, LRI

- Mehdi Ammi, Professeur, Université Pairs 8 –

- David Rousseau, Directeur de recherche, Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, IJCLab

Activités de recherche :

Résumé :
We investigated a hybrid personal computer (PC) and augmented reality (AR) setup to bring immersive visualization to existing scientific workflows. We collaborated with particle physicists to understand their analysis needs and designed a prototype that treats the AR content as an extension of the PC. An initial observational study confirmed the benefits of the hybrid setting and validated its feasibility. We also found that the match of dimensionality between input and output devices is not critical for users’ performance, and that the mouse remains an efficient tool for high-accuracy 3D tasks. Both findings suggest that the mouse could be the primary input for the hybrid setting. Finally, to support walking around in AR, we proposed to add a mobile device to the hybrid setting and presented a pressure-augmented tactile 3D navigation technique to improve the accuracy.