Group : Formal Testing and System Exploration
Approches combinatoires pour le test statistique à grande échelle
Starts on 01/10/2007
Advisor : GAUDEL, Marie-Claude
[co-encadrement avec Alain DENISE]
Funding : AM
Affiliation : Université Paris-Saclay
Laboratory : LRI
Defended on 19/11/2010, committee :
Philippe DAGUE, Professeur, Université Paris-Sud
Alain DENISE, Professeur, Université Paris-Sud
Marie-Claude GAUDEL, Professeur, Université Paris-Sud
Richard LASSAIGNE, Maître de conférence, Université Paris 7
Sylvain PEYRONNET, Maître de conférence, Université Paris-Sud
Olivier ROUX, Professeur, École Centrale de Nantes
Michèle SORIA, Professeur, Université Paris 6
Research activities :
- Software Testing
- Model-Checking
Abstract :
This thesis focuses on the development of combinatorial methods for
testing and formal verification of software. We are interested in
solutions based on probabilistic approaches when exhaustivity is not
For model-based testing, we guide the random exploration of the model
to ensure a satisfaction with desired probability of the expected
coverage criterion, regardless of the underlying topology of the
explored model.
Regarding model-checking, we show how to generate a random number of
finite paths to check if a property is satisfied with a certain
In the first part, we compare different algorithms for generating
uniformly at random paths in an automaton. Then we propose a new
algorithm that offers a good compromise with a sub-linear space
complexity in the path length and a almost-linear time complexity.
This algorithm allows the exploration of large models (tens of
millions of states) by generating long paths (hundreds of thousands of
In a second part, we present a way to combine partial order reduction
and on-the- fly generation techniques to explore concurrent systems
without constructing the global model, but relying on models of the
components only.
Finally, we show how to bias the previous algorithms to satisfy
coverage criteria that are not based on paths, but on a set of states
or transitions. We propose a mixed solution to ensure both various
ways of exploring those states or transitions and the criterion
satisfaction with a desired probability.